Best Infrastructure
The Community College has strengthened academic facilities in all fields. The College has well equipped Computer Labs, Digital Lab, Microprocessor Lab, Biotechnology and Biochemistry Labs, Visual Communication Lab and Studios & Multipurpose Health Worker Lab. All these laboratories are equipped with the state-of-the-art facilities.

The College library is well stocked with latest books and periodicals. There is a stock of about 8000 books in various disciplines like Computer Sciences, Medical Sciences, Engineering, Agriculture, Home Science, Economics, Information Technology, Health, Physical Education, Yoga, Building Technology, Leather Technology, Tourism, Geology, Management, Languages, Health Science, Life Science, Botanical Science, Zoological Science, Philosophy, Psychology, Religion etc. In certain disciplines and areas such as for Civil Services and other Examination, and Entrance Coaching, the library possesses excellent holdings. The library has been subscribing to a good number of journals and dailies (both vernacular and national) and also periodicals and educational magazines. Besides, students can also have access to the Pondicherry University Library, if necessary. Bar coding system in all library activities, photocopying services and Internet connectivity are also available. The library functions six days in a week from 9.30 am to 6.00 pm.
SOUL Software for University Libraries)
Community College has procured Software for University Libraries (SOUL) from Inflibnet. The process of computerization of all the Library activities is completed and readily available for the benefit of students.
The two computer labs are well equipped with state-of-the-art computers and other peripherals. The computer lab houses 85 numbers of i5 computers and 2 high-end servers. The labs are fully air-conditioned with modular furniture and uninterrupted power supply.
Broadband connection operating at 2 Mbps is being used for internet connectivity by both the staff and the students. By using a static IP address, the online journals and other resources available with Central Library of Pondicherry University are being utilized by the staff and students of Community College. Vast wealth of knowledge available in the form of e-resources under the National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content (N-LIST) is also accessible.
The students have the opportunity to get trained with the high quality technology instruments provided as laboratory facility. Students are first introduced to essential instruments – pH meter, Colorimeter, Electronic balances, Centrifuges, Distillation Unit, Microscope etc. Extensive hands-on-training with instruments designed to target the increasing demand of biomedical labs – Semi-auto analyzer, Flame Photometer, UV-Spectrophotometer, Ergograph, Kymograph etc. Conceptual training in Molecular Biology and Genetics and Microbiology are through Gel Electrophoresis system, UV transilluminator, TLC, Fermentors and Laminar flow hood etc.
The department of visual communication is well equipped with the latest cameras and accessories, a full-fledged drawing laboratory and a high end multimedia laboratory.
To strengthen the Spoken English programme further and to empower rural students with the ability to communicate effectively in social, academic and professional spheres of life on par with urbanites, the College has taken initiative to set up a language resource center where students can make use of multimedia resource materials to acquire English language beyond the classrooms and to guarantee continued learning. The next project is to establish a community of free voluntary readers which, as current research shows, will enrich language acquisition naturally sans the pain of traditional methods. Steps have been taken and the year 2016-17 will see such student-support programs unfurl. In addition, the Department of English provides student support programs that trains the students who wish to participate in the exchange programs in the US or pursue higher studies abroad in the essential skills necessary for Standardized International English Exams like the IELTS, TOEFL-iBT, TOEIC with the help of British Council trained experts in the area of exam training. A full-fledged course in Business English leading to the Cambridge Business English Certificate is in the pipeline for the year 2016-17. Students who wish to avail of these support courses can contact the department in person.
PUCC has LCD Projectors for use in the teaching-learning situation and is in the process of procuring Home Theatre and other audio visual equipments. Preliminary work in this regard is completed.
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)
The Study Centre of IGNOU housed in PUCC, has a bouquet of programs to offer for aspirants of higher studies in distance mode. A large number of distant learners avail this opportunity every year by enrolling themselves in programme of their choice ranging from Certificate courses to Ph.D. Counseling sessions on regular basis are held in the centre for the benefit of the students. Another attraction of the centre is a bouquet of four educational channels namely Gyan Darshan, Gyan Vani, Gyan Darshan Teleconferencing and Eklavya. Regular teleconferencing sessions are being held, where the experts and students can interact and share knowledge. EDUSAT facility, to meet the growing demand for an interactive satellite-based distance education system through audio-visual medium is available in this IGNOU Study Centre at PUCC. Teleconferencing and Video Conferencing through EDUSAT are extensively used by the distant learners in and around Puducherry including MCA and MBA professionals which facilitate the learners to interact with the subject experts from all over India.
Directorate of Distance Education (DDE), Pondicherry University
The Spot Admission Centre of Directorate of Distance Education, Pondicherry University, is operational in PUCC. The DDE is offering various UG / PG and MBA programmes.